Please enjoy this week’s episode of Viking News!

The library is a wonderful place! Love that our students enjoy spending time with each other.

Thank you to both Sun Graphics and Tank Connection for taking time out of their day to provide information to PHS students about their businesses. The facility tours were awesome, and students were excited about career opportunities at both industries!

It's a short week next week with Thanksgiving Break. Honor Flight Biscuits and Gravy from 7-10 tomorrow in the cafeteria. Share the Warmth Tree and CIS looking for warm clothing donations. Next Week's Bulletin.
Go Vikes!

Mrs. Moore's Honors English 10 charting the character traits of the main characters in Lord of the Flies. Starting the process of our Character Analysis papers!

PHS site council hears from StuCo reps, and learned more about SEL and testing data. What a great group!!

Viking News is ready for basketball season! They are shooting on location today, but who are they interviewing? Tune in to episode 5 of Viking News to find out!

Today 25 FCCLA members traveled to Pitt State for Fall Leadership Conference. Members learned the importance of making connections & were challenged to work together & come up with challenges they observe in their school and among their peers & brainstorm ways to help improve those issues.

Saturday Debate was at Independence HS. In Open debate Madelyn Armitage and Jayce Quirin finished 3rd, in Novice, Sophiya Hinman/Jager Quirin finished 4th & Jazzy Palmer/Noah McIntosh finished 5th. Overall the team finished 3rd. Fantastic job Vikes!

Winter Sports started today!! All sports in action. Go Vikes!!

Guys and Dolls was another great show put on by Parsons High school students and staff! It was amazing! Go Vikes!!

Physics students held our annual trebuchet wars today. The winners were Cole, Aiden, Marco and Blaise! Also a higher launching pad resulted in less stability and disaster. Lesson learned!

Chemistry classes competed in a "Candy Chemistry" themed escape room with the Breakout EDU boxes.

Next Week's Bulletin: Guys and Dolls, Winter Sports Starts Monday, Share the Warmth Tree and MORE!
Go Vikes!

New edition of the College Prep Corner is ready!

Chemistry classes worked on their "Forming and Naming Ionic Compounds" lab today.

Earth and Space students made crystal gardens today to grow over the weekend. We'll see what they look like when they are done!

College Orientation students had the opportunity to visit Neosho Comm. College and Coffeyville Comm. College this week. A campus tour, lunch, and academic information helped to explore these local options for higher education!

Thank you Veterans!

Woodworking projects are starting to come to fruition! Go Vikes!