Volleyball starts off next week at Chanute!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
volleyball schedule
Cross Country starts their season next week at Anderson County!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
cross country schedule
Not having painted before, sixth grade students were learning some of the basics in art class Tuesday. To assess ability, students were challenged to try to paint grass, a variant blue sky with clouds, and a painting using something other than a paintbrush or their fingers.
over 1 year ago, Colleen Williamson
Two boys paint an abstract painting using the primary colors, black and white.
Two middle school girls paint a sky with clouds.
A boy uses his fingers to  paint grass on a landscape painting.
Two boys try to paint a variant sky after trying to paint grass. .
two girls work on a sky painting. one using a brush and one her fingers.
A girl holds up her painting of clouds in a blue sky.
Students work on abstract paintings using  the three primary colors, black and white.
Given the challenge of not using a brish or their fingers, but something else in the room, two boys use paper towels to paint abstract pictures.
Updated date and time for tennis parent meeting!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
parent meeting schedule
Update for volleyball on 8/22!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
volleyball update
Due to an HVAC issue, the USD 503 school board meeting will not be broadcast live this evening, it will be recorded and posted at a later date. The meeting is being moved to the PHS Community Room.
over 1 year ago, Parsons District Schools
Students in Mr. Campmier's Family and Consumer Science classroom participate in a contest to build the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower in the class.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Campmier
Student in Mrs. Helton's class used the microscope today to get a close up of natural samples they collected.
over 1 year ago, Nichole Helton
Students in Mr. Hutley's keyboarding class at Parsons Middle School work on a project the tells other students about them. The project is to include pictures of things that help tell about them, such as things they like or don't like, and bullet items listing those things.
over 1 year ago, Colleen Williamson
Two girls sit at their desks, working on computers.
One student type on his keyboard while Mr. Hutley helps another student with a project.
In preparation for a test Tuesday to gauge what they remember from last year, students in Ms. Berry's sixth grade math class competed to answer the most questions using a computerized game.
over 1 year ago, Colleen Williamson
Ms. Beery's sixth grade math tudents sit on coaches in their classroom and use their computers to compete on math questions.
8.21.2023 Week At a Glance
over 1 year ago, Tyler Gordon
Our football team had their scrimmage and parent meeting today! We got to warm up with the high school team. The energy on the field was amazing! Go Vikes!!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
football scrimmage
football scrimmage
football scrimmage
football scrimmage
Ms. Smith and Ms. Beery are in their Middle School Era!
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Smith
Parent Meetings are coming up for our Fall sports!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
Parent Meeting graphic
Follow us on Social Media!
over 1 year ago, Parsons Middle School
Follow us on Social Media!
Open House is from 5:30- 7:30pm this evening at Parsons MS. Students and families can meet staff, practice locker combinations, and walkthrough their schedule at Open House!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Gordon
See you tonight!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Nolting
open house graphic
The incredible adminstrators of Parsons Middle School, Principal Gordon and Assistant Principal Nolting, went above and beyond for their staff during inservice day. They flipped pancakes and sizzled sausages for everyone, showing their appreciation for the hard work the staff does every day. What an awesome way to start the day.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Campmier
Tyler and Olivia serving breakfast.
Tyler and Bartelli
Staff enjoying breakfast.
6th Graders and new students begin school tomorrow morning at 8:00am. The school day is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:30 a.m. Students will not be permitted to enter the school prior to the 7:50 a.m. bell unless they are eating breakfast. Once students arrive at school they are to remain in front of the school, supervised, and are not to leave campus. The first bell rings at 7:50 a.m. The teachers will be at their doors to supervise and control hall traffic at that time.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Gordon
Be sure to use #PKBacktoSchool to tag your students' first day photos!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Gordon