6th Grade ELA is competing in "March Madness" to get ready for their State Assessments. Congratulations to 5th hour for winning the first round!
10 months ago, Elizabeth Smith
Tate Gatton is our Viking of the Week!
10 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Viking of the Week
Congratulations to our Artist of the Week, Malaysia Dunn!
10 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Artist of the Week
Rotary Club of Parsons sponsors the weekly SparkWheel "Money, Money, Money" activity at Parsons Middle School. A special award of $25, lunch and recognition was given to Aundre Ford as the drawing winner for perfect attendance for the entire first semester. Thank you Rotary Club!
10 months ago, Susan Hill
$Money, Money, Money$ with Rotary Club of Parsons
March 4th and 6th are middle school and high school student led Parent / Teacher conferences.
10 months ago, Matthew Peak
PMS & PHS Student Led Conferences are 03.04 and 03.06
Students will be dismissed at noon on Monday, March 4th, so that teachers have time to finalize and post grades before Parent / Teacher Conferences.
10 months ago, Matthew Peak
03.04 Early Dismissal
Please contact your student's Viking Time teacher if you have not set up a time for conferences!
10 months ago, Olivia Nolting
Mrs. Helton's students made sensory bottles today! They had so much fun!
10 months ago, Nichole Helton
Mrs. Helton's class baked cookies today for their cooking lesson!
10 months ago, Nichole Helton
Mrs. Helton's class made fake snow today!
10 months ago, Nichole Helton
fake snow
fake snow
fake snow
Our Choir sounded great tonight! Great job, Vikings!
10 months ago, Olivia Nolting
Student Led Conferences are next week March 4th and 6th, from 4:00-7:30PM. Students are scheduling 10min blocks, to present their individual achievements to both their Viking Time Teacher and Parents/Guardians.
10 months ago, Tyler Gordon
After reading "What if: Everybody Jumps" 6th graders tested their theories on what would happen if they coordinated a jump in different places around the school!
10 months ago, Elizabeth Smith
Mrs.Helton's students got to see the kitties today when they delivered shred to Parsons Pet Hospital
10 months ago, Nichole Helton
Mrs. Helton's class made cloud dough today!
10 months ago, Nichole Helton
cloud dough
cloud dough
cloud dough
cloud dough
cloud dough
cloud dough
cloud dough
Tutoring is available this week after school Monday and Wednesday 3:20-4:30! Students need to sign up outside of the office.
10 months ago, Olivia Nolting
Don't forget Picture Day is Monday 2/26!
10 months ago, Olivia Nolting
picture day
February 26th - March 1st Week At a Glance: https://www.smore.com/apsjk
10 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Week At a Glance
Congratulations to our Weekly Perfect Attendance Drawing Winners!
10 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Attendance Winners
Congratulations to our Artist of the Week, Josslyn Rausch!
10 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Artist of the Week