I’ll be Gnome for Christmas! Gnome Sweet Gnome!

The MS Wrestling banquet is scheduled for Monday 12/9 @6pm in the Community Room.

The Middle School is hosting the World War 1 traveling museum tonight December 2nd from 5 pm to 8 pm in the community room. Please enter through the community room doors on the Northwest corner. Free to all who attend this evening.

GBB Plays Pitt this evening beginning @4pm, 7B-7A-8B-8A in that order. Go Vikes!

The MS Wrestling tournament is a great opportunity to grow our young athletes and without our maintenance staff led by James Ramsey this competition would not have been possible.
Eric Swanson and Rob Barcus, thanks for allowing the middle school kids to compete in your facilities. It was a great experience for the MS athletes to get a feel for what their high school experience will be like.
Jamie Stover and Tina Heydenrych, thank you for always having everything ready for us when we need it. I know you have so many things going on, but keeping me on track is so appreciated!
Sue Smith, Terry Woodword, Caleb Bynum, Dave Ferguson, Chris Ball thank you for managing our gates, concessions, tables and tournament. It is a pleasure to know so many trustworthy people while managing this tournament. I acknowledge that it can be extremely difficult to devote those long hours focused on the competitions, and I am grateful for your service.
Kayla Robinson and your awesome FACS students, thank you for providing a hospitality room for the event. The food was great and I cannot thank you enough for being so flexible at short notice, thanks for having my back!
John Cox, thank you for keeping the hospitality room stocked and running smoothly. I appreciate you spending the evening taking care of others and helping clean up after the tourney was over. Your effort doesn’t go unnoticed.
Rod, thank you for simultaneously coaching your MS athletes and managing your HS athletes at the tables. We appreciate how your athletes are always able to clean up after the tournament and secure the equipment. Coach Houk and Coach Schibi, thank you for allowing us to use the gyms at the HS and being flexible enough to grant us the space needed to manage such a large (and growing) tournament.
Without a staff willing to give their time to help kids enjoy athletic opportunities, none of this would be possible. I appreciate all of your efforts and THANK YOU for sacrificing time and effort in allowing the kids to have fun participating in middle school athletics. THANK YOU!!!
Tyler Gordon
Assistant Principal
Athletic Director
Parsons Middle School

Parsons Middle School wrestlers competed in our home tournament last Tuesday, capping off a great wrestling season. We had 9 wrestlers competing with great results winning 22 matches out of 26, collecting 16 by pin. Had 5 kids going undefeated for the day.
Joe Keal 3-0 1st
Amir Luten 3-0 1st
Adian Luten 3-0 1st
Xander Mcsherry 3-0 1st
Amani Luten 3-0 1st
Kaden Berry 2-1 2nd
Briar Mathis 2-1 2nd
Kyle Habiger 2-1 2nd
Thaddeus Kress 1-1 2nd

Parsons MS Tournament is off and running! Go Vikes!

Parsons Middle School wrestling traveled to Chanute for their wrestling tournament yesterday. Top performers
Kaden Berry 3-0 1st
Xander Mcsherry 3-0 1st
Amani Luten 2-1 2nd
Xander Mcsherry 2-1 2nd
Last event of the season is our home
Tournament today at the High School
Start time 4:00 pm. Come support your
Viking Wrestlers. Go Vikings !!!

Great Job Ladies! 8A with the win over Chanute!

7th Grade Girls Basketball finished as runners up this weekend in the Indy tournament. Great job, ladies! Go Vikes!

The MS Wrestling team won 18 out of 24 matches on Saturday. Kaden Berry, Briar Mathis, Kyle Habiger, and Amani Luten all finished as champions of their individual brackets.

Middle school students enjoy games of UNO during Friday Free Time.

Parsons Middle School is hosting the World War I Traveling Museum.

The MS Robotics Team is in Emporia today, and just started the 3rd Round. They are currently in 6th Place w/121 points, Go Vikes!

Congrats to these ELEVEN middle school choir kids who made the Southeast KMEA ms honor choir! #GoVikes

The PARSONS MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING team traveled to the Independence middle school tournament yesterday . All the kids wrestled hard an are showing improvement every time they step on the mat. Next tournament is at Coffeyville this Saturday start time 8:30am. Top placers for yesterday.
Kaden Berry 1st
Kyle Habiger 1st
Amani Luten 1st
Joe Keal 2nd
Adian Marshall 2nd
Xander Mcsherry 2nd

Great Games tonight Girls Basketball! 7B 7A and 8A Wins over Indy! Go Vikes!

8A has the lead at half! Let’s go Vikes!

7B Wins & 7A just took the lead over Indy! Go Vikes!

More pics from the Columbus Tournament! Head out and support out wrestlers in Indy this evening, Go Vikes!