Friess wins first set tiebreaker 7-3!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Friess is in a first set tiebreaker.
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Just to clarify Shultz and Farris won their first set but lost their first match in a tiebreaker.
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Farris and Shultz drop a tough tiebreaker 3-10.
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Shultz and Farris going to tiebreaker. Drop a tough second set 5-7. Friess is up 1-0
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Shultz and Farris win their first match at state. Bad start for Mr. Barcus great start for the girls!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Schultz and Baldwin win their first set 6-4!!! Go Vikes!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Honors Geometry began their first quarter project presentations today. We will finish Monday. What a bright group of kids.
over 5 years ago, Janell Houk
Honors Geometry presentations
Parsons Cross Country finishes the regular season strong at SEK in Chanute.
over 5 years ago, Sally Clay
Freshman Kinzy Baldwin places 7th in Varsity with a time of 22:29.
Senior Brett Baldwin places third in varsity with a 17:39 time.
Khloey Stringer placed 6th in JV.
A few advanced automotive students putting in the work today! Brake job and button up an engine swap.
over 5 years ago, David Ferguson
GASIII Leadership
Assembly today. Participating in a live stream with over 2 million students across the world. Be Strong Live Tour
over 5 years ago, Eric Swanson
Be Strong Live Tour.
Good luck to these three at state tennis this week!
over 5 years ago, Eric Swanson
Megan Baldwin accompanying on the piano! She has been practicing really hard. Go Vikes!!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
More music.
The place is packed and the middle school sound amazing! Go Vikes!!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Senior night for these girls! They will be missed. Go Vikes!!!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
Ms. Clay’s Junior English class wrote Two Sentence Horror Stories.
over 5 years ago, Sally Clay
Story time!
Story time!
Story time!
Story time!
Middle School Vikings in action @Indy. 0-0 after one quarter. Go Vikes!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus
MS Football
MS Football
GAS1 students putting in the work this morning!!
over 5 years ago, David Ferguson
Putting in the work this morning
Getting things done in the PHS Library...
over 5 years ago, Robie Martin
PHS Library life
PHS Library life
PHS Library life
PHS Library life
Orchestra sounds amazing!!
over 5 years ago, Rob Barcus