Hosting a KMEA prep day! Students from SEK schools are in PK to get ready for competitions.
Lady Vikes lose a close well played second set 23-25. LC wins in two. Vikes back in action Thursday in Frontenac.
JV loses in two to LC. Varsity up 17-16 in second set down 1 set.
VB-JV 19-25 and Varsity 18-25 both lose first sets to LC.
Lady Viking Golf Kamron Blair placed 4th today with a 93 (46-47), and then also placed 6th overall in SEK for the year!!! The best finish for a girl golfer in years!! Congratulations Kamron!
Jv and Varsity both drop third set to FS. Face LC next. Go Vikes.
JV drops second set to FS 24-26. Third set also coming up. Go Vikes!!
Varsity wins second set vs. FS! Third set coming up. Go Vikes!
JV and Varsity action.
VB in LC, Lady Vikes varsity drops first set to Fort Scott 16-25. JV wins first set vs. Fort Scott 25-22. Little warm in the LC gym! Go Vikes!!
Leo Ortiz with the lone second half goal as our JV gets the whole second half on the pitch. Vikes win in Columbus 6-2. Thursday at Indy. Go Vikes!
Gianluca Piano with the hat trick and goals from Aidan Wheat and Henry Keal have the Vikings up 5-0 at the half in Columbus. Go Vikes!
We are drawing self-portraits in Intro to Art class.
Culinary Applications started working on their cake decorating techniques this week!
This morning, FCCLA hosted a club fair! Students from each club set up a table with information about their organization. Students were able to browse all the clubs PHS offers & ask questions of current members, & sign up for clubs they were interested in.
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
The October 22 football game is Pink Out.
Below is the link to order. Pictures are attached.
All orders are online and either picked up at Jocks Nitch or shipped to you. Thanks for your support!!! Prices start at $12.00.
JV loses a close or 8-14. Good game Vikes!!
JV down 8-14 in Galena. With 3:26 to go.
Winners of the parachute competition